The Strawberry Lemonade Energize product is designed with a blend of ingredients to help users maximize exercise performance. Our challenge with the launch of this new flavor is to satisfy two very different audience groups, and thus expand the user base for Beachbody Performance. For existing customers, the aim is to drive retention for the product with the launch of a new BBP flavor. Yet, for those unacquainted with the brand, we hope to engage new users with a new and accessible fun flavor. We were tasked to create a suite of email, social, and video assets to reveal the launch.

Client: Beachbody

Studio: Jd&co. Design

Art Direction: Michelle Deng

Design & Storyboard: Michelle Deng

Motion: Steve Snygin

Storyboard Concept (Below is a sample, does not include all frames)
Energize provides the healthy fuel you need to help keep up with the daily hustle—whether you’re pushing through a hard workout or a hard work day. For everything you have to do, Energize helps you do it better. To capture attention and engage customers, we created a personality quiz to show the customer that we “get” her. The Energize fan will see herself—or who she aspires to be—in our copy and visuals. I started the storyboard with a hook to engage the viewer right away, and immediately showcase different relatable scenarios with custom typography to retain their attention. This is followed by some sizzle and mystery around the new product that will help the customer take charge of her life, and it is finally revealed with a burst of flavor shown with delicious shapes and ingredients. Not only is it “energizing”, but it’s delicious too!

This is used on BeachBody’s facebook, instagram, and youtube channel.

Email and Organic Social
The campaign expanded to include an email announcement as well as organic social. The same elements are taken from the storyboard and video key art and applied here to create more buzz around the product.